1 Room
1 Adult
0 Children
Typical dish

Gnocchetti with speck and kummel
First dish

Prepared with bread and a sprinkling of cinnamon and nutmeg for flavour.

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Ingredients for four servings
Three pieces of day-old bread, 2 fresh eggs, a glass of milk, a teaspoon of kùmmel, 200 g of white “00” type flour and a sprinkling of cinnamon and nutmeg for flavour. For the seasoning: 4 slices of thinly sliced speck, a knob of butter and a bit of extra-aged Carnic cheese.

Let the bread soak in the milk for about an hour. Put it in the blender for a few minutes and then add the eggs, cinnamon, nutmeg and kùmmel which you have previously boiled together in a few drops of water. Add salt to taste and then use a spoon to shape lots of tiny gnocchi. Throw them, a handful at a time, into a pan of boiling salted water. When they float to the top take them out and put in cold water. Place the butter in a frying pan with the diced speck. Put the gnocchi back into the boiling water to heat and then transfer them into the frying pan with the speck. Add the cheese and serve right away.